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Figma Variables


Flex Design System uses Figma’s variables features extensively, this section provides a quick explanation to help you get started.

A variable is simply a way to store a value that can be accessed at a later date. Figma has four types of variables:

  • Colour – Used to store a colour value e.g. hexadecimal #FFFFFF (white).
  • Number – Used to store a numerical value that can be used to specify a font size or padding e.g. 16.
  • String – Used to store a string of text such as a button label e.g. ‘Add to bag’.
  • Boolean – Used to store a true or false value for use in showing or hiding elements for example.
Guide to variables in Figma
YouTube video

Variable Groups & Collections

To allow for maximum flexibility and scalability, the variables in Flex Design System have been structured into four specific collections: Base, Theme, Breakpoint, Language.

Within a collection, variables can also be subdivided into groups.

Below we will cover the groups within Base collection and it’s groups. The remaining collections will be explained in the Design Tokens section.

Screenshot of the Figma interface showing the variable collection dropdown menu

Base > Colour

This is where all the base colour values are stored.

Screenshot of the Figma interface showing the colour variable group

Base > Breakpoint

This is where all the size-specific values are stored.

Screenshot of the Figma interface showing the breakpoint variable group

Base > Font

This is where all the typography-specific values are stored.

Screenshot of the Figma interface showing the font variable group

Base > Meta

This is where you can optionally add any text strings that can be used across your projects.

Screenshot of the Figma interface showing the meta variable group