Figma Variables
Flex Design System uses Figma’s variables features extensively, this section provides a quick explanation to help you get started.
A variable is simply a way to store a value that can be accessed at a later date. Figma has four types of variables:
- Colour – Used to store a colour value e.g. hexadecimal #FFFFFF (white).
- Number – Used to store a numerical value that can be used to specify a font size or padding e.g. 16.
- String – Used to store a string of text such as a button label e.g. ‘Add to bag’.
- Boolean – Used to store a true or false value for use in showing or hiding elements for example.
Variable Groups & Collections
To allow for maximum flexibility and scalability, the variables in Flex Design System have been structured into four specific collections: Base, Theme, Breakpoint, Language.
Within a collection, variables can also be subdivided into groups.
Below we will cover the groups within Base collection and it’s groups. The remaining collections will be explained in the Design Tokens section.